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Health Coach

How Snowbirds, and the Rest of Us, Can Stay Fit over the Winter

How do snowbirds stay fit when they leave home for a few months every year? Snowbirds heading south for the winter have a lot to look forward to. The milder weather. The sunshine. Seeing old friends. And we know they will want to keep up their fitness routines – or take the change of scenery […]

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19 Reasons to Stick with Your Fitness Commitment in 2019

We’re still in January, far too early to even think about giving up on healthy habits for the year. Whether you made a resolution to get fit or just renewed your commitment to exercise and eat right, we’re here to keep you going throughout the year with these 19 reasons to stick with it in

19 Reasons to Stick with Your Fitness Commitment in 2019 Read More »

9 Simple Steps to Living the Healthy Life You Want in the New Year

New Year, New You 2019 Another New Year. About new year resolutions, there’s bad news, and then there’s good news. First the bad news: Most of them fail. Now the good news: People over 50 have more life experience and tools to succeed at them. You’re more realistic, focused and balanced – in life and

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Top 10 Tips for Why You Should Get and Stay Fit, Even Amid Holiday Temptation

Consistency is key to getting and staying fit. Proper exercise and nutrition aren’t one-and-done ideas. They’re commitments that rightly bring long-term benefits, not just short-term fixes. Active adults who work to stay fit know this. And they know not to worry about big interruptions to their exercise and eating routines. They know those interruptions are

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Self Monitoring Tips for Weight Loss Success

  The more effective you become at regulating your own behaviors, the more likely you will be to stick with your health and fitness program and have long term weight loss success. As a Personal Trainer and Health Coach, I cannot control the choices that you make on a given day. I try to teach

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‘Tis the Season to Get Moving!

Every year from Thanksgiving to the New Year, the average American gains weight; anywhere from one to five pounds depending on the study. This is largely because of overeating, overindulging in alcoholic beverages, and less physical activity. Add in the stress of planning or attending several holiday parties, gift shopping, and traveling out of town

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4 Most Common Excuses for Not Working Out

Now that January is over, so are most people’s New Year’s Resolutions. They start with the best intentions every year, but the vast majority of folks don’t know how to properly identify what their true goals really are, why those goals are important to them, or how to set up an effective plan to actually

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Doctors – Do You Refer Your Obese Patients to Fitness Professionals?

One of the most important things that I have learned as a professional Personal Trainer and Health Coach over the years is that I frequently can’t get my clients the results that they want on my own (beware any Personal Trainer who claims that they can); I need to maintain a network of other qualified

Doctors – Do You Refer Your Obese Patients to Fitness Professionals? Read More »

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