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When to Pause and Look Back at Your Fitness Goals

Do you ever stop and look back at your fitness goals? Here’s a “hot take” on a common bit of advice that tells us to “Never look back – you’re not going that way.” Yeah, sure. But here’s the deal. If you don’t look back sometimes, then how can you review where you’ve been – […]

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He’s a Running Source of Inspiration for Anyone

Everyone has a bucket list, and for some people, “running a marathon” is on it. Looking for a source of inspiration? If running a marathon sounds impossible later in life, Brent W. is living proof that it’s not. And even if you don’t want to run to the curb, let alone a long race, we

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Are You Fit Enough for Travel & Over Fifty?

Remember travel? Are you over fifty and still fit enough for travel? Remember what it was like to make plans to visit somewhere special – for a new adventure, or a return to somewhere familiar? Remember then actually getting on an airplane? And staying in a hotel and eating in restaurants and …. Ah, well…

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To Regain His Health, He Had to Get Clean and Sober

  Getting Clean and Sober – Exercise Can Help   Tony Calderone’s last drink came on his oldest daughter’s 16th birthday, and it led to disaster – punching his ex-wife’s husband and terrifying his kids. It was the end of decades spent drinking too much and using drugs. At 5’ 6” and 220 pounds and

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When Neuropathy Threatened Her Hobby, She Beat It With Exercise

  Donna G. loves to hike, especially in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, where her sister lives. Three years ago, Donna broke her ankle on a hike. That’s when doctors discovered she has neuropathy – weakness and numbness due to nerve damage – in most of her legs. Doctors told her they couldn’t regrow the

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The Power of Knowing Why: What’s Your Main Motivation for Fitness?

What’s your primary motivation for fitness? If you want to get fit or stay fit after 50, you need a good motivator — a primary reason why you want to exercise, eat right, and live a healthy lifestyle. I talk to people about this all the time. Active adults have powerful, compelling reasons why they lift

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A Love Story in Fitness: ‘We Just Enjoy Being Together’

Fitness Partners   The couple that exercises together stays together. Just ask Steve and Lisa Jones, who work out at a gym three times a week and hike or run two other days. They’ve been married 40 years and happily recall their Valentine’s story beginning five years before, when they met as teenagers at a

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4 Most Common Excuses for Not Working Out

Now that January is over, so are most people’s New Year’s Resolutions. They start with the best intentions every year, but the vast majority of folks don’t know how to properly identify what their true goals really are, why those goals are important to them, or how to set up an effective plan to actually

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SMART Goal Setting for Success (part 2 of 2)

In part one of this series, we looked at our past successes and disappointments, lessons learned, what obstacles prevent us from achieving our goals, what our personal values and negative drivers are, and what roles we play in our daily lives. It’s important to go through all of that prior to actually sitting down and

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