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Ten Tips to Maintain Wellness During COVID-19

Fitness is so important after 50, especially now when we’ve all been spending more time at home. That’s why I’ve been doing everything I can to help you stay physically active during this time. But fitness alone isn’t enough to maintain wellness during COVID-19. It’s helpful to remember the other elements of wellness, too. We […]

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Women Show – Bone Density Can Improve With Online Personal Training

Aurilla W. has always been outdoorsy, active and strong. So, when she was diagnosed with osteoporosis a few years ago, she didn’t hesitate to start regular resistance training in a fitness studio to improve her bones and muscles. And with the coronavirus recently closing that studio to in-person exercise, Aurilla, now 71, wasn’t about to

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10 Tips to Manage Corona Stress: No. 1 Shouldn’t Surprise You

These are stressful times, full of anxiety for everyone and loneliness for many. The Corona Stress challenges can be more difficult for mature people, who know they are at a higher risk for coronavirus and who already face physical challenges and, too often, social isolation. Almost a third of older Americans live alone. Before the

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The Coronavirus Crisis Is Changing Plenty – But Not Your Need for Exercise

People all over the world are having to make sacrifices because of the coronavirus. In just a few short days, the pandemic became the latest “new normal” affecting everything in our lives. But here’s one thing it doesn’t change: You still need to exercise on a regular basis. Move your body every day. “Social distancing”

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Know How to Prevent Stroke and Spot the Signs Early

Prevent Stroke Stroke is common and serious. But we can also prevent stroke or lower our risk through exercise and other lifestyle habits. And spotting the symptoms early can greatly lower the odds of permanent damage, according to the American Heart Association. Doctors recommend exercise and healthy eating to improve overall heart health. They also

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Fitness and Heart Health: How Strength Training Battles the No. 1 Killer

Strength Training and Heart Health Everyone says they want to stay “young at heart.” But are they willing to lift weights to do it? Conventional wisdom has long held that running is better for heart health than weightlifting. Some research says that’s not so. For example, in one survey, scientists looked at health records of 4,000

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10 Tips for Fitness Newcomers Over Fifty – Start Today

Are you a fitness newcomer over fifty? Starting to exercise regularly at a gym or fitness studio can be intimidating for people of any age. Maybe it’s been years since you worked out regularly, and the numerous machines and confident gymgoers give you some hesitation. Don’t worry. It’s perfectly natural. Fitness newcomers over fifty naturally

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20 Steps to Your Perfect Vision for the New Year

  What are Your Goals for the New Year? If you want to sharpen your vision for 2020, forget about resolutions, which come with heavy pressure and high failure rates. Instead, I prefer thinking about positive steps you can take every day. Living the life you want to live takes steady, concentrated intention. Why pin

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Gift Guide for the the Over-50 Fitness Nut or Newbie

Holiday Gift Guide Shopping to encourage fitness is easy and fun. Just think of how much of a boost you’ll be giving your loved one to get fit or stay fit. I’ve rounded up some great ideas that cover all price ranges. And, if you happen to get something for yourself along the way, well… it’ll

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Variety and Fun Are Key to His Healthy New Lifestyle at 69

  Tom Arrington retired from the Navy and US Postal Service five years ago and quickly settled into a daily lifestyle of overeating, happy hours, and couch time. He’d occasionally see a mirror and think, How much longer do I want to go on like this…? Then, at his annual physical, Tom’s doctor pointed out

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